Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Sleep Beauty Nadine Jansen


Il forme grossièrement une tige courte et trapue, de 4 cm de long, limitée en bas par le duodénum et en haut par le hile hépatique. Il est contenu dans le bord droit du petit épiploon[38].

The elements of the hepatic pedicle are

The portal vein

She was born behind the pancreas, common trunk splénomésaraïque venous and superior mesenteric vein. It is a large vein, 15 mm in diameter, its pedicle portion goes to D1 hilum where it bifurcates into two right and left portal branches. Through it all the venous blood passes through the digestive "filter" liver. The hepatic artery

Pédicule Hépatique
It arises from the celiac trunk and bifurcates at the foot of the hepatic pedicle gastroduodenal artery and hepatic artery, then she climbs into the hepatic hilum and will give two terminal branches, which are the right and left hepatic arteries.

The hepatic duct, which receives on its right edge of the cystic duct and the bile duct becomes lower.


They fall into two channels: one to the right of the hepatic pedicle, large, with the ganglion Quenu, the other to the left edge, hail.


They are 3 shots: one in front of the hepatic pedicle (anterior plexus of Latarjet) the other behind (posterior plexus) and the gastro-hepatic nerve, from the X left, who joined the pedicle very top to the hilum (sometimes called plexus Burge)

The overall order of the elements of front to back, is always

- Bladder


artery - vein

reports of hepatic pedicle

The entire hepatic pedicle is encased in layers of the lesser omentum.
- the left is the lesser omentum and distance, the lesser curvature.

- Right , the cystic duct and gallbladder.

- Back , the hepatic pedicle forms the anterior edge of the foramen of Winslow which opens onto the rear cavity of lesser sac. Further back is the inferior vena cava.

- Forward is the anterior abdominal wall.


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