Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Smore Maker That Uses Sterno Fuel

KAJ - Living in a town - a village

ROAD silnice
STREET ulice
CITY město (velké)
TOWN, VILLAGE město (malé), vesnice
AIRPORT letiště
PAVEMENT chodník
CROSSING přechod
HOSPITAL nemocnice
BANK banka
HOTEL hotel
BOOK SHOP knihkupectví
FLOWER SHOP květinářství
BAKERY Bakery, Butcher (Butcher's) butcher (Butcher), PHARMACY pharmacy
drugstore drugstore, TOBACCONIST newsagent, stationery stationery, SWEETSHOP confectioner
GALLERY, MUSEUM gallery, museum
BUILDING building
STATUE , Monument statue, memorial
bus stop bus stop
Train (Railway) STATION train (train) station

forrests meadows and forests and meadows
quiet calm x x noisy noisy
pollution znečištění
rubbish odpadky
anonymous anonymní
How can I get to….? Jak se dostanu k….?
Where is the nearest bank? Kde je nejbližší banka?
It is about 200 metres. Je to asi 200 metrů.
You will go around…… Půjdete okolo…..
ON THE RIGHT x ON THE LEFT napravo x nalevo
TURN RIGHT zahněte vpravo
TURN LEFT zahněte vlevo
GO BY BUS jeďte autobusem
GET ON THE TRAM nastupte do tramvaje
GET OFF THE TRAM vystupte z tramvaje
CHANGE FOR METRO Change to metro
GO STRAIGHT go straight
And There Is The Museum. And there already is a museum.
The most interesting sights in Our Town are ...
Civic (Cultural) Amenities civil (cultural)
traffic infrastructure facilities for transport infrastructure
cultural life of the cultural life

The Differences Between Living in a town or village and
Living in a village Seems To Be More Difficult Than in the town. Transport is a big problem for villages. There are places Where The buses pass through only two or three times a day. Ook people have few titles that take part in cultural life of Ana. But There are many good ook things in the country. For example villages are less noisy, pollution and rubbish are minimal. People can go to forests or meadows. They can easily find places where they can be alone and relax. In the town it is impossible because streets are crowded with people, also the parks aren't too quiet. There are many children and people with their dogs. People in the town have to breath the air polluted by factories, cars and people. In the country the air is fresh and the nature is unspoiled and full of beautiful trees, flowers and animals. Living in the town is more anonymous. In a village people know one another. It can be a little unpleasant because people know everything you did wrong and so on. But in a town you can feel lonely.
In towns there are also many shops. There is no problem if you need to buy something. If it isn't in one shop you can go to another one. In the village there are usually only few shops and even an only one with the necessary foods. But towns aren't only centres of shopping. There are also many offices. Of course, secondary schools and universities are in towns too. For the people who live in the country there can be a big problem with employment. People in towns can find a new job more easily than people in the country. After all, a job opportunity is one of the most important reasons why to move to the town. But many people from towns say they would love living in the country. Do you agree with them?

The New Us Military Singlet

KFJ - Czech and French cuisine, the meal

Le lait mléko
Le beurre máslo
Cheese sýr
Yogurt Cream Jogurts
Chicken Beef Veal hovězí
Lamb Pork jehněčí
Eggs Fish vejce
Bread chleba
The crescent rohlík
The pasta těstoviny
Rice Ryze
Sugar cukr
The Chocolate cake flour zákusek
Potatoes brambory
Beans Cabbage fazolky
Peas Tomato Salad Rajca
La carotte mrkev
Les champignons houby
Un oignon cibule
La carotte mrkev
Une orange pomeranč
La banane banán
La pomme jablko
La poire hruška
Le raisin víno
La bulette knedlík
La fourchette vidlička
Une assiette talíř
Le verre sklenka
La cuillere lžička
Le couteau nůž
La tasse šálek
Le sel sůl
Le poivre pepř
L‘huile olej
Le vinaigre ocet
La moutarde hořčice

La cuisine française est célèbre partout dans le monde pour sa delicatesse, raffinement et inventité. La France a eu longtemps beaucoup de paysans, alors la richesse en fruits, légumes, poissons et viandes fait que les Français aiment cuire et manger. Il n’y a pas de plat national, chaque région a ses specificités, ses recettes et ses habitudes.
Les Français mangent quatre fois par jour. Ils prennent le petit déjeuner vers 8 heures, il est très simple - on prend un simple bol de café noir, de café au lait ou de chocolat avec des tartines beurrées, des toasts ou des croissants.
Malgré la journée continue, les Français font toujours, si possible, deux repas principaux par jour. Une chose est propre à la cuisine française: à table, les plats se suivent. Cette habitude existe always in every family meals take place in a quasi-ritualistic regularity, however, the pace of modern life, the increasingly blurred.
Lunch is served at noon. A real meal, it's a piece in 5 acts: it starts with appetizers - salads, meats, fruits, seafood, raw vegetables include different vegetables and admission is cold or hot, sometimes c 'is a fish, cheese ..; Then comes the main course: meat packed - with steak fries, grills, steak, chicken, roast veal with vegetables. In some regions we call the main course dish of resistance. Après le plat principal viennent une salade verte, du fromage et un dessert qui comporte des fruits, des gâteaux, des glaces, des tartes ou des crèmes. Dans les villes, les écoliers et ceux qui font la journée continue déjeunent sur leur lieux de travail - restaurants, cantines.
Le goûter est servi vers 4 heures. Seuls les enfants prennent du café au lait ou du chocolat avec des tartines de beurre, de confiture, des pâtisseries ou du pain au chocolat. Les adultes mangent toasts, petits fours avec du thé.
Le dîner se prend vers 7 heures et demie et 8 heures. Le menu en est plus chargé que celui de déjeuner. L’entrée est remplacée par un potage.
Selon la tradition un good meal should be accompanied by a good wine. But the French also drink beer and there are some who are satisfied with water or fruit juice. Sometimes they drink wine with water, it is called supper. We drink red wine with meat and cheese, usually from Bordeaux and Burgundy, and white wine with fish, Bordeaux, Alsace and Anjou. Always be careful to serve the right wine with the right dish. In Normandy we drink cider and calvados, Alsace is manufactured kirsche - water spirits extracted from cherries and other water spirits extracted from raspberries. It is absolutely essential to use an aperitif before dinner. We drink pastis Noon, whiskey, champagne, suse, cognac, armagnac, etc. kir. Kir consists of cassis and white wine, Kir Royale and is cassis and champagne.
The French are on different bases appetizers, fish, meat, dessert.
They eat snails often as appetizers, shrimp, lobster, oysters, lobsters, mussels and frogs. They prepare the snails with butter and garlic. During the meal there is always a baguette on the table complement any dish. The bread is broken and he also use to clean the plate after the meat and vegetables - you do not eat supplements France (potatoes, dumplings, rice etc.). The bread is shaped like a stick often long and thin, called flute. Rye bread is almost unknown in France. It is said that the French eat lots of bread, and yet according to the latest statistics, the consumption of bread in France is decreasing, it decreases. Despite
gastronomic diversity, yet there is a common feature - used to make cheese, according to the diction: a meal without cheese is like a day without sunshine. In all families, at the table, there are always two or three. In France we know almost 400 kinds of cheese, the best known are Camembert de Normandie, Roquefort, Brie, Bleu d'Auvergne, Reblochon de Savoie, Boursaut Mouth goat Soignon, Bresse Blue Capris gods, Reverend, President, Rustic, Munster d'Alsace, Neuchatel, Pont l'Eveque, Livarot and Pavé d'Auge of Normandy. The French like to eat also Fromageon, sheep's cheese. It is not known exactly how many kinds of cheese there. We can always discover new cheeses including market, which sell cheeses manufactured in the private farms, monasteries ....
French cooking is above all the variety and diversity. Each region has its favorite food, its traditions, its gastronomy. D'Alsace is the pate de foie gras, pancakes with kirsch, we know the quiche Lorraine and Lorraine stew (soup of cabbage, meat and bacon). The Ardennes ham is well known throughout the world. Britain's favorite food is the cotriade, a soup of seafood, the food is also marinated oysters, lobster and scallops Amouricaine Jacques. Bordeaux is famous everywhere for its higher quality wines as well as for its foie gras, duck or fonfit goose rillettes, steak on the grill. Farther south, is made Bayonne ham, very renamed everywhere it is served with sliced fresh figs or melon de Charentes. The cassoulet has Toulousse. We can not forget the famous bouillabaisse of Marseilles or bouillinade of Rousillon, these are fish soups that are indispensably contain garlic and olive oil. Burgundy is another area famous for its cuisine. We must mention beef bourguignon, the snails burguignonne, coq au vin, chicken half mourning, coq au Chambertin, frog legs, pauchose, pears and of course the Burgundian Dijon mustard. The Paris region is known for its onion soup au gratin, tournedos Rossini, whiting Bercy sauce Bearnaise and of course the pastry. Fondue comes from the Savoie Alps are known jurassirnnes cutlets with green beans with butter, salad nicoise, a small pea to the peasant outbreaks Picardy apples, cabbage whipped, Basque cake ........... .................
The meal at the French, it's not just eating, it's part of culture. It is both a celebration of a rite and a work of art, ordered according to some rhythm and a certain order, like a symphony or a classical piece. The French take their time, they begin to dinner at 7:00 and end to 9 hours. Even in its canteen worker eats at least an hour and the meal consists of 3 or 4 dishes. During the meal the French talk of nothing else but food. No one talks about politics, etc. footbal. The meal is a main theme.
Zdroj: Internet Slovnik

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Salieri Collection Free Vids

Food, eating out

Food and eating habits
beef - hovězí
cookie - sušenka
bread - chléb, chleba
bun - Houska, Zemle, bochánek
butter - maslo
brunch - breakfast + Lunch
cake - koláč, sleeps
cereal - cereal
cheese - sýr
Chicken - chicken (meat)
chips - chocolate chips
chocolate crisps - potato chips
donut - Doughnut
Dumpling - dumplings, dumpling
Eating Out - our restaurant
Egg - Egg
Fish - Fish meat
Fruit - Fruit
ham - ham
slice - slice slice
Honey - Honey
Ice Cream - ice cream
jam - jam, marmalade
ketchup - ketchup
thick - thick
Lamb -
lamb meat - meat meatball
- meatball, mushroom burger
Mushroom Mustard - mustard
mutton - sheep
Oil - Oil
Pancake - pancake (omellette - salt)
paste - pasta (in Italian)
Pepper - Pepper
pie - pie
pork - pork, pork, pork
pudding - dessert, dessert
Rice - Rice
roll - roll , lid
salad - lettuce
Salt - Salt
sauce - sauce
sausage - sausage, sausage, sausage
Seafood - Seafood Seafood (mussles, shrimp, seaweed etc.).
Soup - Soup
Spice - Spice Sugar
- Sugar
turkey - turkey
vegetable - Vegetables
vinegar - vinegar
yoghurt - jogurt

Meals of the day: breakfast, snack, lunch(dinner), supper(dinner)

Drinks: juice, lemonade, mineral water, milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, beer, wine, alcoholic drinks

Healthy diet: milk, yoghurt, cheese, brown bread, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, rice, potatoes, fish

Cutlery: fork, knife, spoon, teaspoon

Side dishes: potatoes, potato salad, rice, vegetable salad, pasta, dumplings

Ways of cooking – bake, mix(blend), raze, fry(frizzle), roast, grill, cut, chop

Menu at a restaurant:
Appetizers, cold, hot, main course, fish, side dishes, desserts, drinks (beverages) du: Build menu

I Would like something to eat. I'll have something to eat.
I'll have ... I'll ...
What Would you recommend? What do you recommend?
Waiter! Waiter!
May I have the bill, please? Please, I would like to pay.
Anything else? Furthermore, anything else?
Eating Out Eating out in restaurants

Starters Starters Main courses Main courses
Sweet / bitter / Salty / sweet sour / bitter / salty / sour
Boiled / Fried / Grilled / roastedVařený fried / grilled / baked
Service Is Not Included Service is not included
Tip Tip
Can I have the menu, please? Menu, please.
Could I pay my bill, please? Can I pay the bill?
Waiter! Top!
Excuse me, do not eat this. - I am sorry, I am not used to eating this.
Can I get something else instead? - Could I please have something else instead?
I do not eat meat. I am a vegetarian. - I do not eat meat. I am a vegetarian.
Excuse me, can I get a clean spoon, fork, knife, please? Tahlespadla the ground. - Excuse Me, Can I have a clean spoon, fork, knife, please? This one Fell on the floor.
Can I take another can of cola / water bottle / balíčekčipsů / soda / juice drink ... - Is it all right if I have anothercan of Coke / botttle of water / pack of crisps / Lemonade / glass of juice ...
Help yourself, please. (Take!) - Help Yourself!

Typical British food:
pudding, Scottish salmon, pâtés from pork

Apple - apple, apricot - apricot, banana - banana, peach - peach, pear - pear, melon - meloun, strawberry – jahoda, raspberry – malina, blackberry – ostružina, blueberry – borůvka, black currant - černý rybíz, cherry třešeň, gooseberry – angrešt, cramberry – brusinka, grapes – hroznové víno, grapefruit – grapefruit, lemon – citron, orange – pomeranč, pineapple – ananas, tangerine - mandarinka


carrot – mrkev, cabbage – zelí, bean – fazole, lentil – čočka, beet – řepa, broccoli – brokolice, cauliflowet – květák, cucumber – okurka, lettuce – salát, parsley – petržel, garlic – česnek, onion – cibule, pepper – paprika, peas – hrachový lusk, tomato – rajče, potato – brambora, radish – ředkvička, spinach – špenát, turnip – cabbage - kedluben

English and Czech meals

There is an English proverb, which says: "The way to man's heart is through his stomach." People in Britain and in the Czech Republic have different eating habits. Some English meals are similar to Czech meals, others are very different. The English people don't eat such bug meals as the Czechs. English eat more often in the day. They have five or six meals a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, tea, dinner and later perhaps supper. In the past the British cuisine didn't have very good reputation. But it has improved recently.
Czech food
The Czechs love food. The day begins with breakfast which consists of a cup of tea or cocoa, warm milk, black coffee and with something to eat. E.g. a roll or a one or two slices of bread with butter and some cheese, ham, boiled eggs, honey, marmalade or salami.
The Czech midday meal is the main meal of the day. We can have it at home or in a canteen, dinning hall or in a restaurant. It is usually a three course meal, which consists of soup, a main course and a desert. As for soup we can choose beef soup, chicken soup, vegetable soup or some thick soup - potato, tomato, pease, mushrooms or tripe. The Czech menu often offers the favourite national dish - roast pork with dumplings or potato dumplings and cabbage, other typical dish is Vienna steak with potato salad or goulash with dumplings. We often eat a piece of fruit, a puding or a cake as a desert. After the dessert the Czechs often drink beer or some of the soft drinks.
The Czechs usually eat some cold meat, salami, ham, eggs, bread or rolls for dinner. Some people prefer a hot meal too. They may have pancakes, potato pancakes or pizza.
Typical Czech food
In the Czech cuisine there are’t lot sof kinds of the vegetarian food. It is known that our cuisine isn't very healthy. Roast pork with dumplings and cabbage is a typical Czech meal. Fruit dumplings with sugar and cottage cheese are also very popular. another common Czech food are: Vegetable sauce with dumplings, English birds, meat loaf with potatoes or fried cheese.
British food
British like beginning the day with a cup of coffee or tea in the morning. The well known English breakfast starts with a glass of fruit juice and cornflakes with sugar or milk. This is followed by fried or grilled bacon and eggs, sausage and grilled tomatoes or spicy beans. But it isn't as common as it used to be. It is rather offered in hotels or restaurants. Nowadays a typical breakfast is a bowl of cereals a slice of toast, a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea or coffee.

In the middle of the morning they have elevenses which is usually not more than a cup of coffee and biscuits. In our country we have a snack during morning.

At about 4 o clock the teatime begins. It is a special occasion for the British and very important. The meal consists of a thin slice of bread with cheese or ham, perhaps some vegetables and also cakes, biscuits and jam. Nowadays lots of people don't eat much at teatime but they have at least one cup of coffee or tea.

Some people in Britain have their biggest and the main meal of the day in the evening. The hot dinner is served at about 7 o clock. It consists of soup then the main course which is followed by a dessert and finally cheese and biscuits. There isn't any traditional food for the evening meal.

On some occasions such as Christmas some traditional meals are served. The most common meal for Christmas Eve in our country is a fish soup and a fried carp with potato salad. The British typical Christmas meal is roast turkey with chestnut stuffing, potatoes and the famous Christmas Pudding.
The British kitchen:

full breakfast – fried bacon, eggs, sausages (ham and eggs), toast, marmelade
lunch – not the main meal of the day, e.g. sandwich
dinner – a hot meal, usually with meat, sauce and vegetables

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wording For Engagement Close Friends

KFJ - Media

la publicité reklama
la chaîne kanál, program
l'émission vysílání
appuyer sur a button stisknout knoflík
series serial
featured presenter uvaděč (ka), Moderator (ka)
underwriter uvaděč
a daily denik
a weekly, a monthly newspaper měsíčník
press release tisk
an email, an email e-mail
webová a web page on the Internet
stránka na internetu

The media are very important in the world today. These are television, radio, newspapers, advertising and the Internet. It is the source of the information, and of course it divertisssement also a great trade. Now I want to say something more of each kind of media:
• TV: It is perhaps the most important of all sorts of media. I think almost all families own at least one television. And sometimes people look at it almost always. This is not good for their health (it's bad for the eyes, they do not move enough), nor for relations in the family. If people spend all their time watching television and listening, they do not know to communicate with others. It is a more severe hazard especially for children. When they are small they must learn it is also something else that the world of TV. They should also devote themselves to other activities: playing sports, being with their friends, read books etc..
But I have not mentioned any advantage of the TV and there are many! With the news on TV we are informed immediately on all things happening in the world. In few minutes you can learn everything you need to stay current. TV offers entertainment when we're bored, you just press a button.
In the Czech Republic there are two public channels - CT1 and CT2. There are still two private channels - NOVA and PRIMA. And yet TV3. Nova is the favorite by many people. This channel offers mostly series, American movies and shows. The least watched and CT2, which provides educational programs, documentaries, cultural and classic movies.
And what is the situation in France? There are more television channels than with us. There 7: TF1, France2, France 3, Canal Plus, Arte, M6 and The Fifth. A private channel TF1, France2 and France3 are public. Canal Plus pays and coded. The issuance of the Fifth precedes the issuance of Arte, which starts from 19 hours. These channels are dedicated to education and culture. M6 devotes much space to music.
And what are we looking at most often? Very often we give programs where the presenter-star invites celebrities to music and movies. Or we give them programs where they tell jokes. It often gives the competitions, the most favorite is called Who wants to be millionaire? All afternoon we can watch the series. Sports fans can choose to supply large enough
• Cinema: Today people prefer watching TV to going to the movies. They are lazy and they do not want to spend money. But yet he still enough people who go to movies quite often .. These are mostly young people. The movie offers is great. Very favorites are the multiplexes where the choice is the greatest. People will also appreciate the digital sound and comfortable seats. Therefore multiplexes are visited although tickets are still fairly expensive.
• Radio: When we started the television show, it was thought that the radio will disappear. But radio has remained as our companion cotidien. I know enough people who listen to the radio every morning. Before they go to work they are informed sur tout ce qui se passe, ils savent quelle est la météo et ils se sentent mieux après avoir écouté leur musique favorite. Les stations les plus importantes en France sont Europe1, Europe2, France Info, Fun Radio, Radio Monte-Carlo et il y en a encore plus. Il y a des stations régionaux comme chez nous.
• Presse: On imagine le Français typique avec le journal sous le bras, mais la situation en France s´est changée. Les gens sont pressés et c´est pourquoi ils préfèrent regarder les nouvelles à la télé. Moins qu´une demie des Français lisent les journaux chaque jour. Par contre plus que 80% des Français lisent régulièrement une magazine. Quels sont les journaux and the largest magazine in France?
- newspapers: Le Figaro, Le Monde, France-Soir, L'Humanite, The Team - Sports
- Regional Press: Le Parisien, Midi-Libre, Ouest-France
- News Broadcast: TV-Poche, Telerama
- news magazines: The Chained Duck, L'Express, Le Nouvel Observateur
- women's magazines: Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue, Cosmopolitan
- magazines for lesjeunes: Okapi Pif Gadget, Le Journal de Mickey And
yet what are the benefits of newspapers? We can choose only what interests us, we can read different opinions. Newspapers offer few things more than TV: eg ads, Records, interviews, regional information ...
has to be mentioned news agencies. Agence France Presse (AFP) is one of 10 major worldwide news agencies. It was created in 1944.
• Advertising: Advertising influences us more than we want to admit. It has become a big business and it is everywhere. There are many people who earn money through advertising: photographers, models, advertising agencies and of course all other kinds of media are benefiting.
Good advertising must capture the attention. Of course, sometimes what captures the attention is tasteless when it seems to be stupid. But it's even worse when it's effective.
• Internet: It is said that in future we will communicate by computers. I do not think so, but I must admit that life with the Internet and easier. I use it mainly to search for information I need for school. It is advantageous to use both e-mail.
Zdroj: Internet Slovnik