Monday, September 24, 2007

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Secondlife in the future.

I attended a few meetings and discussion on the future "server architecture" of secondlife. While this is still in the distant future SecondLife has the scale, it is not so far had the scale of real world and it is particularly important for companies and landbarons.

long been known for some shots of Linden Lab
- Servers opensources
- An open standard protocol and
- A "metaverse" multi-world

Secondlife already uses a protocol type "webservice" (the famous het- grid), which connects on the same grid different client and server that are not necessarily identical (different versions for example). The immediate effect that we know is that it is no longer necessary to close any Linden Lab's grid to update the servers now since different versions of servers can coexist. Same for the client side (the updates are now optional).

Linden Lab thinks big. 50,000 users simultaneously, that's fine. But for this to become the future of the Internet, it takes hundreds of millions. We know very well that the current architecture of Second Life is unable to bear it, and Linden Lab knows it too (and better than us!).

The major points of the future architecture are:
- possibility of accommodation own regions
SecondLife - Decentralisation of inventory management.

For this, Linden Lab remember the term "simulator" that must endure too many dependents, with the lag that we know. A calculator must not only support the management of the region, but also agents (avatars) therein.

In the future architecture, a server will manage the region do more than is necessary for the functioning of the region. And we see appear the concept of agent server that will support your inventory, your communication (chat), your profile, your connection to the world ...

We can therefore have its own agent server and host their own inventory, or use those of a third party service provider (eg your ISP, if supported). A company may also host their own servers for its employees, and even run a grid completely disconnected from la grille principale. Cependant, comme la notion d'agent et de region est separée, un resident utilisant un serveur d'agent a la fois connecté a une grille privée et a la grille principale pourra se promener en gardant son inventaire d'une grille a l'autre (la grille privée de sa compagnie, et la grille publique de Linden Lab). On pourra donc, aussi, creer des objets sur sa region privée qui tourne a la maison, et aller le vendre sur le grille principale. Ce n'est qu'un exemple parmis d'autre.

Il y a encore enormement de problemes a aborder et cette nouvelle architecture n'en est qu'a ses premiers pas. Nous en somme encore en train d'imaginer ce que pourrait etre la nouvelle architecture... mais on avance, on avance ;)

PS: I tried to popularize the maximum. I purposely omitted any details to concentrate on a few vague examples and explanations.


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