The environment, nature protection
salir - špinit
cependent-avšak, přesto
valoir la pein de-stát za to
pollueur (m)-znečišťovatel
l'oxygene m. - kyslík
l'abbatage m. - kácení
rechauffer - ohřávat
le superpétrolier - tanker
les pluies acides - kyselé deště
les déchets - odpadky
l'emballage m. - obal
A la différent de - na rozdíl od
enlaidir- hyzdit
centrale thermique (f)-tepelná elektrárna
centrale nucléaire (f)-jaderná elektrárna
émissions vocives - škodlivé exhalace (emise)
radioactif ,-ve -radioaktivní
Les gens influencent beaucoup les conditions on Earth. Because of industrial and technological development, people dirty nature more and more. Today is a very serious problem containing a range of problems. These problems mainly concern environmental pollution, ie the nature of the climate of the entire planet, animals etc.. Nature is fragile and pollution is very dangerous for all living beings.
To be concrete I will name:
Global warming is the problem that concerns the entire planet. Glaciers melt and sea level rises. Some parts of the continents and some islands may be submerged. Climate change also cause flooding ou par contre l’augmentation de l’étendue des déserts. Les pays les plus pauvres permettent l´abbatage des fôrets tropicaux sans se rendre compte de leur importance. C´est la source d´oxygene tres importantre. Peut etre ces changements ne sont pas visibles tout de suite, mais ils sont d‘autant plus graves: le climat de toute la planete se réchauffe.
Les gens salissent aussi des cours d‘eau. Les superpétroliers échoués répresentent la catastrophe pour tous les animax qui habitent dans la mer. Les marées noires causent la mort des poissons et des oiseaux. Si le superpétrolier échoue pres de la côte, la peche y est interdite et les touristes ne peuvent pas s’y baigner. The rivers are often polluted by waste from the fertilizer industry and agriculture.
The very common problem in large cities and industrial areas is air pollution and acid rain. In cities it is above the exhaust gas that pollute the air. Usually he does not travel more than one person in a car. It would be better than many people would take it. What is the best thing is to use public transport or go by foot or bicycle. In industrial areas, pollution that causes acid rain can destroy forests. In our particular areas ou on exploite du charbon sont polluées: le nord-ouest de la Boheme et le nord-est de la Moravie.
La pollution de l´environnement cause souvent la mort des milliers des animaux et des arbres. C´est pourquoi on doit protéger des especes ménacés. Une des manieres de les préserver, c´est de créer des parcs naturels. La chasse y est défendue, il est interdit de cueillir des fleurs, faire du bruit, faire du camping, allumer du feu. On doit y marcher aux sentirs balisés.
A nos jours des gens produisent de plus en plus de déchets. Surtout des emballages plastifiés ne sont pas recyclable et c´est pourquoi on en mets souvent sur des dépôts, bien que ce ne soit pas la solution du ce probleme. Should be used earlier in glass containers or paper that can be recycled.
Although everyone knows that protecting the environment is everyone's business, it must be remembered from time to time. That's why we commemorate April 22 as Earth Day. To date, the "green" organize protests against environmental pollution.
Everyone knows - we must protect nature. It is necessary to sort waste, prefer to go by bike instead of going by car, buy products that will not harm our environment, developing alternative sources of clean energy
... But what we do? Is what we believe? Yes, occasionally we are souvenouns, but we have yet to other priorities. It needs to be No matter where al hour. We must save or we want to feel comfortable and it is "necessary" to have the best product. And finally, we can say: "I am one of millions. What do I change?"
Perhaps, our nature is not destroyed enough to raise prices of everything that damages the environment, be worthwhile to behave truly green. It remains to be seen whether there will not be too late.
The biggest polluters are cars and big business. The only cars pollute the atmosphere `has different by exeple, chemical companies we also destroyed the water, or mines that disfigure the landscape. In the Czech Republic, we can find this landscape near the town of Most. Power plants are also a big problem. Thermal power plants that empty vocives emissions are hazardous and nuclear plants produce radioactive waste.
I think that he may have to force the polluters to reduce their emissions by heavy damage to almonds `s` evironnement. Instead, it must subsidize environmental projects.
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