Description: UNION ECONOMIQUE ET MONETAIRE OUEST AFRICAINE ------------------------- La Commission AVIS DE SOLLICITATION A MANIFESTATION D'INTERET EN VUE DE LA PRESELECTION D'UN CONSULTANT CHARGE DE L'ETUDE ET DU CONTROLE DES TRAVAUX POUR LA MISE EN PLACE D'UN SYSTEME DE RADIOCOMMUNICATION SUR LE CORRIDOR CONAKRY-DAKAR NOM DU DONATAIRE : COMMISSION DE L'UNION ECONOMIQUE ET MONETAIRE OUEST AFRICAINE (UEMOA) NOM DU PROGRAMME : PROGRAMME D'AMENAGEMENT DE LA ROUTE LABESERIBA- MEDINA GOUNASS-Tambacounda and TRANSPORT FACILITATION ON THE CORRIDOR CONAKRY-DAKAR (PR4) 1. The Committee on Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) has obtained a grant from the African Development Fund (ADF) in various currencies to finance the Programme of development of the road LABE - Seriba - MEDINA GOUNASS - Tambacounda and transport facilitation along the corridor Conakry - Dakar. Some of the resources of this program is planned to finance the cost of the study and control the work of the establishment of a radio communication system on Corridor above mentioned. The purpose of this notice for expressions of interest is to develop a shortlist of six consultants, who will be asked to provide technical and financial bids. 2. The mission will be to determine to realize a radio system modern, efficient, compatible and can be integrated into existing systems on adjacent corridors including the Dakar-Bamako corridor from the south. The Consultant shall, in particular, i) establish an inventory of various radio systems used in the civil space community in general and UEMOA in zone of influence of the particular project ii) identify and define relevant criteria for assessing a radio system and iii) ensure the mission of monitoring and supervising the work of setting up the radio system. The system will integrate geolocation transport vehicles in real time, but especially to allow a dialogue between vehicles and socio-professional organizations, governments and structures responsible for the management of road transport. The provider will develop as a result of its study, the tender dossier (DAO) and support the UEMOA Commission in the choice of the company responsible for setting up the radio system in the corridor "Dakar-Conakry. The consultant will carry out its mission in two perfect collaboration with the National Implementing Agencies, who will be responsible for the subsequent management of infrastructure. 3. The Committee on Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) is inviting consultants to express interest in providing the services described above. Interested eligible candidates must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform these services (documentation, references similar benefits, experience in similar assignments, availability of qualified personnel for the mission etc..). 4. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the WAEMU Commission, with the Department of Community Planning, Transport and Tourism (DATC) to the address below, Monday to Friday and Office hours following from 7:30 to 12:30 and 15:00 to 18:00 local time. 5. Expressions of interest for specific reference to: "Study and control work for the establishment of a radio communication system on Corridor Conakry-Dakar "will be directed to Mr. Ibrahim PAD, Commissioner of the Department of Community Planning, Transport and Tourism (DATC ) and sent to the address below no later than Monday, March 7, 2011 16:00, local time. Contact: Attention BUFFER Monsieur Ibrahim, Commissioner of the Department of Community Planning, Transport and Tourism (DATC) of the WAEMU Commission, 380, avenue du Prof. Joseph Ki-Zerbo PO Box: 01 BP 543 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Tel: (226) 5031-8873 to 76 Fax: (226) 5031-8872 Email: 6. A shortlist of six firms will be established after the call for expressions of interest and consultation will be in accordance with the Rules and Procedures of the African Development Bank for the use of e Consultants force. It should be noted that the interest does a Consultant aucune obligation de la part du donataire d'inclure cet institut dans la liste restreinte. P/le Commissaire chargé du Département des Services Administratifs et Financiers et par délégation Le Directeur de Cabinet Mamadou BA | |
Catégorie(s) : | • Consultance/freelance |
Pays : | Sénégal |
Expiration Date: 07/03/2011 |
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