It originates in the liver hilum of the junction of right and left hepatic ducts. Its formation is highly variable. It can be straight. More often it makes an arc accentuated himself up at the hilum and in the form of an elongated S. Sometimes she has an angular path. When the angle is very pronounced light may seem narrow.
hepatic ducts
Conventionally, the left and right hepatic ducts emerge from the liver at the hilum and immediately merge to form the hepatic duct that comes from 0.75 to 1.5 cm below the liver.
The left hepatic duct, because of its greater obliquity, is generally longer than the right. The latter is very short and does not exist in 38% of cases. It is then replaced by the 2 channels sectoral rights, paramedian and lateral, which are directly involved in the formation of the main junction.
A number of channels intra-hilar biliary accessories often drain directly into the confluence of the main left and right channels.
the common hepatic duct
The hepatic duct descends along the free edge of the lesser omentum to the foramen of Winslow. At a variable it converges with the cystic duct and gives rise to the bile duct. He has averaged 2 to 3.5 cm long, with extreme dimensions 1 to 5 cm. Its diameter varies from 0.4 to 1.5 cm with an average width of 0.8 cm.
the bile duct
The bile duct descends into the peritoneal layer hepato-duodenal and passes behind the duodenum and the first head of the pancreas. At this level it bends to the right to empty into the duodenum. The bile
be buried on a variable length in the pancreatic head where he dug a deep groove that covers the pancreatic tissue more or less completely backwards.
In its retro-duodenal portion, the duct may be in contact with the duodenum or not be separated by 2 cm of pancreatic tissue. The length of the duct varies depending on the level of the confluence with the cystic duct. It is an average of 5 cm with extreme numbers of 1.5 to 9 cm. The diameter
normal bile duct does not exceed 10 to 12 mm, judged on radiographies.Le diameter of the bile duct increases with age. There is no correlation between the size of the bile duct and the weight and size of individuals.
In its final part, just before its drainage into the duodenum, the bile duct has an inner diameter that tapers sometimes brutally, as is clearly seen on radiographs. The end portion has a length of 11 to 27 mm (16 in average). It is the sphincter of Oddi.
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