asymptomatic asymptomatic
The discovery when it operates (during surgery) for gallstones (cholecystectomy), in this case can evolve cholangitis sue a less evocative, the discovery is obviously more difficult especially in the absence of previous biliary known [8].
crude form LATENT OR
It is rare mais possible. Il y a peu de signes cliniques, existe surtout chez le vieillard. Cependant même latente, cette angiocholite impliquera un geste rapide car des complications risquent d'être très brutales.
Les angiocholites latentes peuvent s’extérioriser brutalement, lors d’une poussée aigue d’une maladie lithiasique, ou dans diverse circonstances :
- Opacification instrumentale des voies biliaires.
- Sphincterotomie endoscopique.
- Endoscopie cholédocienne.
- Explorations manométriques peropératoires.
- Forms purely painful.
- Pure febrile forms.
- Forms icteric pure.
COMPLICATED SHAPE: "The acute cholangitis icterus UREMIGENE"
- fortunately rare, but still fear it achieves a typical picture of cholangitis but is, in the hours and the maximum in few days, accompanied by a severe septic shock who goes largely to the forefront, combining a very short period of time renal organic. Age above 70 is an additional factor of gravity. Clinically
jaundice is a very fast installation and becomes very intense, "said" flamboyant. "
- Signs of toxic shock-infectives.
- And the rapid installation of a renal organic (oliguria).
- Sometimes disorders of consciousness (delirium). Biologically
- Thrombocytopenia \u0026lt;150,000 mm3.
- Direct bilirubin that can be> 400 mmoles / l.
- Increased blood urea> 20 mmol / l and creatinine> 110 mmol / l.
- Hyperkalemia dangerous above 6 mEq / l.
- acidosis (retention of H + that are not eliminated).
is an emergency treatment will require unblocking the bile duct and possibly hemodialysis.
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