Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Do Chicken Pox Make You Infertile

Anatomy Liver

Le foie est la plus volumineuse des glandes annexes du tube digestif. Il est doué de fonctions métaboliques complexes et indispensables à la vie, et est situé à la partie supérieure et droite de la abdominal cavity in the upper abdomen, under the right diaphragmatic dome [9], [29].

Its lower boundary runs along the bottom edge of the chest that is, it normally does not extend beyond the costal margin.
It is the largest of the viscera. It weighs 1.5 kilograms itself, which must be added about 0.5 kg of blood from the living, He is smooth, firm consistency, color red brown, consisting of a friable parenchyma surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule: the capsule of Glisson ;
- It is conventional to describe three sides to the liver: upper, inferior and posterior:

- The upper surface is diaphragmatic and is convex.

- The underside is visceral and has three grooves H that determine four lobes:

- right lobe;

- left lobe;

- caudate lobe;

- coded lobe or lobes Spiegel (bottom).
Foie-Face inférieure

Each lobe is divided into one or more segments, and the liver is made up entirely of 08 segments, each being subject to proper vascularization.
- The back is nearly vertical and mold on the anterior vena cava (but never completely surrounds the liver the vena cava) and the convexity of the spine

Vascularization is Double:

hepatic artery: nutritional circulation of the liver, it is from the celiac trunk.

Portal vein: functional traffic: Drainage of venous blood from the digestive tract containing the nutrients absorbed from the intestinal mucosa and that will be transported to the liver cells to be processed and stored = the portal system.

We will come back at the " Hepatic Pedicle .


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