Cette maladie est reconnue depuis 1877 , quand CHARCOT en donna la première description, en rapportant la triade symptomatique associant :
- Douleurs de l'hypochondre droit ;
- Fièvre avec frissons ;
- Et Ictère.
In 1903 : ROGERS After noting, in autopsy studies, the relationship between suppurative cholangitis, obstruction of the biliary tract and abscess hey , Hepatic, tried first, unsuccessfully surgical decompression of the bile duct (CBD) in a patient who had a
acute obstructive suppurative.
In 1940 : CUTLER and ZOLLINGER : insisted on the need for early surgical intervention.
In 1945 : GRANT reported 03 cases of acute suppurative cholangitis secondary to a gallstone obstruction of the bile duct. Patients survived after decompression
VBP, the same year CAROLI created the concept of cholangitis urémigène. In 1947
: COLE described cases of suppurative cholangitis on obstruction of the CBD in relation to calculations, a cancer of the pancreas head and stenosis. In 1959
: CAROLI and ANDRE clarify the concept of cholangitis urémigène emphasizing the need for anatomical and clinical correlation: Triad of Charcot and obstacles on the VBP
- On the same date REYNOLDS and Dargan USA individualize the Hyper-complicated acute septic characterized: In terms of clinical signs of nervous type of mental confusion, lethargy and the onset of septic shock.
A purulent bile under pressure in the presence of complete obstruction of the CBD They intitulent this form of "acute obstructive cholangitis.
- Thereafter the term adopted by the Anglo-Saxon authors to describe these forms hyper-tank is that of "acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis »
- Depuis la première description du traitement chirurgical par ROGERS , en 1903 et jusqu'en 1969 quelques rares publications sont relevées dans la littérature.
- Ces dernières années, malgré la persistance d'aspects encore mal connus dans la pathogénie, un certains nombres de progrès ont été réalisés, dans la connaissance de cette maladie dans le domaine du diagnostic et de la thérapeutique :
- Dans le domaine diagnosis must include the contribution of some interesting new techniques of biliary opacification (VB) and especially the contribution of ultrasonography in the exploration of the liver and VB in an emergency.
- On the therapeutic (treatment), greater control of preoperative resuscitation techniques (eg hemodialysis), facilitated by the use of new antibiotics more effective on the bladder infection represent the single most interesting. Their goal is to facilitate the processing
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