Architecture liver [34]
branching pedicle within segments leads to portal areas constituésd'une branch artery hey ; hepatic, a branch of the portal vein and a bile duct or two. Several portal areas that define a center lobe centrilobular vein.
Blood passes from the portal to centrilobular vein within the liver parenchyma. Liver parenchyma consists of hepatocytes arranged in single cell spans tense area periportal to centrilobular area and separated from each other by sinusoids.
Liver Cells
There are parenchymal cell (hepatocyte) and sinusoidal cells (endothelial cells, Kupffer and stellate cell of the liver).
Hepatocyte: The hepatocyte has a dual polarity. His face is sinusoidal in intimate contact with the portal blood through the endothelial cell. This is an area of intense exchanges where the cell draws the elements necessary for its synthesis activities (lipids, proteins and carbohydrates) and catabolism (xenobiotic hormones ...) and dumps the product of these activities. His face
delineates the biliary canaliculus biliary own space without walls defined by the decline of the membranes of two adjacent hepatocytes. Bile secreted by the fireplace in the hepatocyte canalicular system and is then collected in juxta-portal ductules that drain into the bile duct of the portal.
endothelial cells: endothelial cell limits the sinusoid and prevents blood from s'imiscer in the space of Disse while allowing its pore system, the e exchange between plasma and hepatocyte.
Kupffer Cell: He is a resident macrophage, located inside the sinusoid, is to act as "purifying" the blood sinusoidal impurities not adopted by the intestinal wall (bacterial endotoxins, viral particles or mineral ...).
liver stellate cells: (CET also called Ito cells or perisinusoidal cell). Located in the space of Disse, the ETC's functions (1) the storage of vitamin A and (2) synthesis la matrice extracellulaire hépatique.
La vésicule biliaire possède un revêtement séreux et une couche de tissu sous-séreux conjonctif au-dessous de laquelle se trouve :
La couche musculaire : Celle-ci est constituée par un filet irrégulier de fibres lisses longitudinales, obliques et transversales, mélangées à des fibres élastiques et collagènes.
A l'intersection du col de la vésicule et du canal cystique, there in 75% of muscle thickening that would play the role of cervical vesicle sphincter: the "sphincter" of Liitkens, was the subject of much debate.
"There is no muscularis mucosa.
mucosa: forms numerous folds divided themselves into smaller folds. Most wrinkles disappear when the gallbladder is very distended.
epithelium: is made of high-span of cells. If they are devoid of striated border, study these cells in phase contrast microscopy and ultramicroscopy showed the existence of fine microvilli sometimes containing fat.
mucosa contains no glands, except in the neck region where it is in the lamina propria and in the layer périmusculaire simple tubulo-alveolar glands with epithelial cuboï and clear of, secreting mucus.
Includes two tunics: mucosa tunic and elastic more or less rich in muscular fibers.
mucosa: is made of a columnar epithelium without villi, but having kind of columns. It contains numerous mucous glands, which may extend to the adventitia.
The elastic tunic: is composed of collagen fibers and elastic fibers. The muscle fibers are rare and only longitudinal. These muscle fibers become abundant at the lower end of the bile duct at the sphincter of Oddi.
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