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The media are very important in the world today. These are television, radio, newspapers, advertising and the Internet. It is the source of the information, and of course it divertisssement also a great trade. Now I want to say something more of each kind of media:
• TV: It is perhaps the most important of all sorts of media. I think almost all families own at least one television. And sometimes people look at it almost always. This is not good for their health (it's bad for the eyes, they do not move enough), nor for relations in the family. If people spend all their time watching television and listening, they do not know to communicate with others. It is a more severe hazard especially for children. When they are small they must learn it is also something else that the world of TV. They should also devote themselves to other activities: playing sports, being with their friends, read books etc..
But I have not mentioned any advantage of the TV and there are many! With the news on TV we are informed immediately on all things happening in the world. In few minutes you can learn everything you need to stay current. TV offers entertainment when we're bored, you just press a button.
In the Czech Republic there are two public channels - CT1 and CT2. There are still two private channels - NOVA and PRIMA. And yet TV3. Nova is the favorite by many people. This channel offers mostly series, American movies and shows. The least watched and CT2, which provides educational programs, documentaries, cultural and classic movies.
And what is the situation in France? There are more television channels than with us. There 7: TF1, France2, France 3, Canal Plus, Arte, M6 and The Fifth. A private channel TF1, France2 and France3 are public. Canal Plus pays and coded. The issuance of the Fifth precedes the issuance of Arte, which starts from 19 hours. These channels are dedicated to education and culture. M6 devotes much space to music.
And what are we looking at most often? Very often we give programs where the presenter-star invites celebrities to music and movies. Or we give them programs where they tell jokes. It often gives the competitions, the most favorite is called Who wants to be millionaire? All afternoon we can watch the series. Sports fans can choose to supply large enough
• Cinema: Today people prefer watching TV to going to the movies. They are lazy and they do not want to spend money. But yet he still enough people who go to movies quite often .. These are mostly young people. The movie offers is great. Very favorites are the multiplexes where the choice is the greatest. People will also appreciate the digital sound and comfortable seats. Therefore multiplexes are visited although tickets are still fairly expensive.
• Radio: When we started the television show, it was thought that the radio will disappear. But radio has remained as our companion cotidien. I know enough people who listen to the radio every morning. Before they go to work they are informed sur tout ce qui se passe, ils savent quelle est la météo et ils se sentent mieux après avoir écouté leur musique favorite. Les stations les plus importantes en France sont Europe1, Europe2, France Info, Fun Radio, Radio Monte-Carlo et il y en a encore plus. Il y a des stations régionaux comme chez nous.
• Presse: On imagine le Français typique avec le journal sous le bras, mais la situation en France s´est changée. Les gens sont pressés et c´est pourquoi ils préfèrent regarder les nouvelles à la télé. Moins qu´une demie des Français lisent les journaux chaque jour. Par contre plus que 80% des Français lisent régulièrement une magazine. Quels sont les journaux and the largest magazine in France?
- newspapers: Le Figaro, Le Monde, France-Soir, L'Humanite, The Team - Sports
- Regional Press: Le Parisien, Midi-Libre, Ouest-France
- News Broadcast: TV-Poche, Telerama
- news magazines: The Chained Duck, L'Express, Le Nouvel Observateur
- women's magazines: Elle, Marie Claire, Vogue, Cosmopolitan
- magazines for lesjeunes: Okapi Pif Gadget, Le Journal de Mickey And
yet what are the benefits of newspapers? We can choose only what interests us, we can read different opinions. Newspapers offer few things more than TV: eg ads, Records, interviews, regional information ...
has to be mentioned news agencies. Agence France Presse (AFP) is one of 10 major worldwide news agencies. It was created in 1944.
• Advertising: Advertising influences us more than we want to admit. It has become a big business and it is everywhere. There are many people who earn money through advertising: photographers, models, advertising agencies and of course all other kinds of media are benefiting.
Good advertising must capture the attention. Of course, sometimes what captures the attention is tasteless when it seems to be stupid. But it's even worse when it's effective.
• Internet: It is said that in future we will communicate by computers. I do not think so, but I must admit that life with the Internet and easier. I use it mainly to search for information I need for school. It is advantageous to use both e-mail.
Zdroj: Internet Slovnik
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