Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Smore Maker That Uses Sterno Fuel

KAJ - Living in a town - a village

ROAD silnice
STREET ulice
CITY město (velké)
TOWN, VILLAGE město (malé), vesnice
AIRPORT letiště
PAVEMENT chodník
CROSSING přechod
HOSPITAL nemocnice
BANK banka
HOTEL hotel
BOOK SHOP knihkupectví
FLOWER SHOP květinářství
BAKERY Bakery, Butcher (Butcher's) butcher (Butcher), PHARMACY pharmacy
drugstore drugstore, TOBACCONIST newsagent, stationery stationery, SWEETSHOP confectioner
GALLERY, MUSEUM gallery, museum
BUILDING building
STATUE , Monument statue, memorial
bus stop bus stop
Train (Railway) STATION train (train) station

forrests meadows and forests and meadows
quiet calm x x noisy noisy
pollution znečištění
rubbish odpadky
anonymous anonymní
How can I get to….? Jak se dostanu k….?
Where is the nearest bank? Kde je nejbližší banka?
It is about 200 metres. Je to asi 200 metrů.
You will go around…… Půjdete okolo…..
ON THE RIGHT x ON THE LEFT napravo x nalevo
TURN RIGHT zahněte vpravo
TURN LEFT zahněte vlevo
GO BY BUS jeďte autobusem
GET ON THE TRAM nastupte do tramvaje
GET OFF THE TRAM vystupte z tramvaje
CHANGE FOR METRO Change to metro
GO STRAIGHT go straight
And There Is The Museum. And there already is a museum.
The most interesting sights in Our Town are ...
Civic (Cultural) Amenities civil (cultural)
traffic infrastructure facilities for transport infrastructure
cultural life of the cultural life

The Differences Between Living in a town or village and
Living in a village Seems To Be More Difficult Than in the town. Transport is a big problem for villages. There are places Where The buses pass through only two or three times a day. Ook people have few titles that take part in cultural life of Ana. But There are many good ook things in the country. For example villages are less noisy, pollution and rubbish are minimal. People can go to forests or meadows. They can easily find places where they can be alone and relax. In the town it is impossible because streets are crowded with people, also the parks aren't too quiet. There are many children and people with their dogs. People in the town have to breath the air polluted by factories, cars and people. In the country the air is fresh and the nature is unspoiled and full of beautiful trees, flowers and animals. Living in the town is more anonymous. In a village people know one another. It can be a little unpleasant because people know everything you did wrong and so on. But in a town you can feel lonely.
In towns there are also many shops. There is no problem if you need to buy something. If it isn't in one shop you can go to another one. In the village there are usually only few shops and even an only one with the necessary foods. But towns aren't only centres of shopping. There are also many offices. Of course, secondary schools and universities are in towns too. For the people who live in the country there can be a big problem with employment. People in towns can find a new job more easily than people in the country. After all, a job opportunity is one of the most important reasons why to move to the town. But many people from towns say they would love living in the country. Do you agree with them?


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