Secondlife on Management Magazine
is the first time that I buy this magazine, but Y'avait really nothing interesting and I found a blanket with 2 mouth "winner" smile sponsored with writing on the side "Learn to cultivate your optimism."
(WEEE with the fucking poOOooooste hrrr ... ... ... hrrr ( see preceding article)).
Well, the article on optimism proves to be fairly bland And this resulted in: "we must be optimistic for positive". Applying their method to the magazine: "For a 4 page article in a magazine to 2.9 € (€ section of 0.22), it's still cheap paid the council, he is also fair game." By
cons (a positive side, wéééééééééé!), There is an article about Second Life, or more precisely of Accenture in Second Life.
400 HP introduced, RL 120 interviews.
It speaks in the same article on L'Oreal secondlife, Areva, Alstom, Capgemini and Unilog Logical CMG, qui ont fait un salon virtuel de 3 jours de recrutement dans SL. 1500 candidatures adressées, 700 entretiens SL. Cout de l'operation 20.000€ par entreprise participante, (soit 100.000€ en tout).
Cher ? Que-neni, une broutille, une paille.
L'Oreal indique "[dans la RL] recruter un debutant coute en moyenne 4000€. Recruter un profil experimenté coute environ 20000€. Si cela débouche sur 2 ou 3 embauches, cela sera deja rentabilisé" !
Et au president de TMPNEO de rajouter que cet interet pour secondlife ne peut etre entierement attribué a l'effet de mode.
Bref, que du bon ! Et l'achat de ce magazine a été rentabilisé grace a This article on Second Life. Phew! I can positivist)
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