A more better
I fill a box here that I posted on JOL and that seems pretty cool:
has a region, a region administer, manage a project, to volunteer for a project, it is primarily pleasure.
There are people in the real world, which take pleasure in making fun, help others, "do something good." Or simply to help others, by religious conviction, by a desire for self-fulfillment, to make a foot-cons in the world RL par conviction politique, par un besoin de reconaissance, ... peu importe la raison en fait.
Dans ce même monde reèl on y trouve aussi des mange-m*rde, des opportunistes, des rapaces, des egoïstes, des profiteurs, ... et qui sont tout autant d'obstacles a la categorie de gens cité precedemment. Ces gens la sont sur second life pour profiter du systeme mis en place par les residents de second life, pour l'exploiter a des fins personnelles au detriment du bonheur d'autrui. La plupart du temps, simplement, pour l'argent plus que par mechanceté pure.
L'argent n'est pas un probleme en soi d'ailleur. J'aime l'argent, et je ne suis pas le seul. Et s'il ne fait pas mon bonheur, il y contribue largement By allowing me to pay areas and spend time management.
No, the problem is that considerable energy expenditure (time and money) for 2 years for some to make Second Life a better world. A world where the dream is possible, virtually certainly, but possible. A world where you can discover and express their talents in all serenitée, without being polluted by stupid life. It ensures that these dreams are accessible to the greatest number, it passes between each other by education, training, support personalized sometimes ... This
the world, which I described in my own way but everyone will see what he desires, is in constant danger on the edge. People (that I describe as) malicious are often more active and effective as those who wish to contribute to the common good (or at least what is believed to be the common good). It is easier to do evil that good after all. My
regions are fragile, they require a considerable amount of money (more than 2000 € / month) and time (forty person, excluding tenants finance) simply to exist. Gaia, area 51, wild vertigo, europe, ile de France, Riviera, etc. ... is not a gift from heaven (I'm not a believer, for that matter) is 2 years of hard work. By "human time" I will not be surprised that you exceed the ten years volunteer effort by the "official" + residents, passersby, accustomed to contributing to the smooth running of these areas.
This is not about to let ONE PERSON endanger all this work done. And whether to ban packs of 12 to save all that we have achieved so far, and to protect what one wishes to accomplish in the future, we will, with few qualms. Spammers, griefers, scammers, advertising "wild" and sellers "on the fly" are a threat to these regions for many reasons.
The sandbox instance is not a free marketplace, if you want to sell you can rent a store, it will help project funding has non-profit. This is not because a project does not profit it does not need money, instead, it costs even more.
to advertise for other regions (which do not contribute to financing these projects) is as much for my loss of earnings and therefore areas for our beautiful projects to make SL a pleasant world. And all this not to mention the inconvenience for the residents of passage that think they can find here a little quiet world where we learn, grow, and even hope to accomplish his dreams. And believe me, complaints related to spam, advertising, we receive ... Package of 12 too.
And if our ideal is not correspond to yours, if you dream of a world without limits is little spammer, where there is pub on every premium, or you can screw the newbie pass without worry ... Feel free to go elsewhere or create your regions. Here we will not let our efforts be made for the exclusive benefit of your personal needs.
It's all a bit bohemian, utopian, idealist, who cares ... Is our home, we have rights and are used for what we feel is best, according to our own worldview.
If you do not share, we will not burn you on a cross, but if you do not follow the scene, or you bounce as unclean.
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