Thursday, September 27, 2007

Make Your Owniheart Boobiesbracelet

Killed by [VAT] DTC

It is through a post on JOL I was fortunate to find that now I paid 20% more cost sim.

Indeed, Linden Lab VAT invoice now has all Europeans. Let
approximately 350US $ / month instead of 295 ... Like that, without warning * * hop

Not to mention the enormous competitive disadvantage compared other countries around the world, the problem is that suddenly my finances will go into the red. A deficit estimated at 500 € / month.
Well, in France we used to be disadvantaged compared to the rest of the world ... m'enfin still ... it hurts.

The solution? Haha! I dunno ...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Radio Shack Rca To Usb Converter

Secondlife in the future.

I attended a few meetings and discussion on the future "server architecture" of secondlife. While this is still in the distant future SecondLife has the scale, it is not so far had the scale of real world and it is particularly important for companies and landbarons.

long been known for some shots of Linden Lab
- Servers opensources
- An open standard protocol and
- A "metaverse" multi-world

Secondlife already uses a protocol type "webservice" (the famous het- grid), which connects on the same grid different client and server that are not necessarily identical (different versions for example). The immediate effect that we know is that it is no longer necessary to close any Linden Lab's grid to update the servers now since different versions of servers can coexist. Same for the client side (the updates are now optional).

Linden Lab thinks big. 50,000 users simultaneously, that's fine. But for this to become the future of the Internet, it takes hundreds of millions. We know very well that the current architecture of Second Life is unable to bear it, and Linden Lab knows it too (and better than us!).

The major points of the future architecture are:
- possibility of accommodation own regions
SecondLife - Decentralisation of inventory management.

For this, Linden Lab remember the term "simulator" that must endure too many dependents, with the lag that we know. A calculator must not only support the management of the region, but also agents (avatars) therein.

In the future architecture, a server will manage the region do more than is necessary for the functioning of the region. And we see appear the concept of agent server that will support your inventory, your communication (chat), your profile, your connection to the world ...

We can therefore have its own agent server and host their own inventory, or use those of a third party service provider (eg your ISP, if supported). A company may also host their own servers for its employees, and even run a grid completely disconnected from la grille principale. Cependant, comme la notion d'agent et de region est separée, un resident utilisant un serveur d'agent a la fois connecté a une grille privée et a la grille principale pourra se promener en gardant son inventaire d'une grille a l'autre (la grille privée de sa compagnie, et la grille publique de Linden Lab). On pourra donc, aussi, creer des objets sur sa region privée qui tourne a la maison, et aller le vendre sur le grille principale. Ce n'est qu'un exemple parmis d'autre.

Il y a encore enormement de problemes a aborder et cette nouvelle architecture n'en est qu'a ses premiers pas. Nous en somme encore en train d'imaginer ce que pourrait etre la nouvelle architecture... mais on avance, on avance ;)

PS: I tried to popularize the maximum. I purposely omitted any details to concentrate on a few vague examples and explanations.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Men Day Of The Week Boxers

Team Fortress 2 is (almost) out!

heee yeah, the beta is finally out!
Announced for yesterday ... is released at 23:50 GMT-9 (the bastards!)

AND ... And ... and .... AC plant on most vista, including my own ...
see this screenshot

So in the meantime:

Kerunix waits ...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Seat Covers For Mini Cooper


is the new service from my dentist:) I was
this after-noon at the dentist to make me tear a wisdom tooth, it will be made a whole world "oulalah the wisdom teeth."

- 30s to the anethesie
- ~ 1mn 30s are expected to take the anesthesia well.
- to snatch
30s - 30s to plug the hole

Thank goodbye Friday! Even
not bad, either during (yet happy), or after. :) Ok ...

it's a nag, but that 's how I like it: quick well done!
In all cases it is disagreeable, then you can do it quickly, right?

Gondolierzy I Gondole

Conference on e-book / paper / ink to the library Francophone

Riviera Yesterday evening, at the French library, a conference was held around the book "Gutenberg 2.0" Speaking of new technology the book, and very precisely on the electronic paper book.

The owner of the library was present, as writer and editor. This past love voice-chat with captioning text-chat and slides on a large screen. Followed by a series of question-answer in text-chat only (not necessitated by, just like that .... I think that many people had no microphone, actually).

e-paper is not so new, it's just stayed very close to the public until this year, and should it appear en masse in 2008. And for good reason: it is Amazon, iTunes is a bit of the book. In short, the book is dematerialized.

Technology is quite simple (in theory, in practice I guess it must be complex):
- A special paper (which is paper, not a screen) which is a layer and an electronic ink that special react to electronic impulses.
- We upload a text in e-book and small electronic machines reposition the ink and the text appears. e-book has a single leaf and "flipping" by pressing a button or turning a knob.
- environmentally friendly, economical (only uses electricity to change the text), light! (Encyclopedic want a cabinet on a single sheet of 170g).

The biggest concern (mine anyway) will be at the file formats used and the compatibility of different e-book. But it stinks in advance the format war Owners ... We'll see ...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Crest Toothpaste Components

A more better

I fill a box here that I posted on JOL and that seems pretty cool:

has a region, a region administer, manage a project, to volunteer for a project, it is primarily pleasure.
There are people in the real world, which take pleasure in making fun, help others, "do something good." Or simply to help others, by religious conviction, by a desire for self-fulfillment, to make a foot-cons in the world RL par conviction politique, par un besoin de reconaissance, ... peu importe la raison en fait.

Dans ce même monde reèl on y trouve aussi des mange-m*rde, des opportunistes, des rapaces, des egoïstes, des profiteurs, ... et qui sont tout autant d'obstacles a la categorie de gens cité precedemment. Ces gens la sont sur second life pour profiter du systeme mis en place par les residents de second life, pour l'exploiter a des fins personnelles au detriment du bonheur d'autrui. La plupart du temps, simplement, pour l'argent plus que par mechanceté pure.

L'argent n'est pas un probleme en soi d'ailleur. J'aime l'argent, et je ne suis pas le seul. Et s'il ne fait pas mon bonheur, il y contribue largement By allowing me to pay areas and spend time management.

No, the problem is that considerable energy expenditure (time and money) for 2 years for some to make Second Life a better world. A world where the dream is possible, virtually certainly, but possible. A world where you can discover and express their talents in all serenitée, without being polluted by stupid life. It ensures that these dreams are accessible to the greatest number, it passes between each other by education, training, support personalized sometimes ... This

the world, which I described in my own way but everyone will see what he desires, is in constant danger on the edge. People (that I describe as) malicious are often more active and effective as those who wish to contribute to the common good (or at least what is believed to be the common good). It is easier to do evil that good after all. My

regions are fragile, they require a considerable amount of money (more than 2000 € / month) and time (forty person, excluding tenants finance) simply to exist. Gaia, area 51, wild vertigo, europe, ile de France, Riviera, etc. ... is not a gift from heaven (I'm not a believer, for that matter) is 2 years of hard work. By "human time" I will not be surprised that you exceed the ten years volunteer effort by the "official" + residents, passersby, accustomed to contributing to the smooth running of these areas.

This is not about to let ONE PERSON endanger all this work done. And whether to ban packs of 12 to save all that we have achieved so far, and to protect what one wishes to accomplish in the future, we will, with few qualms. Spammers, griefers, scammers, advertising "wild" and sellers "on the fly" are a threat to these regions for many reasons.

The sandbox instance is not a free marketplace, if you want to sell you can rent a store, it will help project funding has non-profit. This is not because a project does not profit it does not need money, instead, it costs even more.
to advertise for other regions (which do not contribute to financing these projects) is as much for my loss of earnings and therefore areas for our beautiful projects to make SL a pleasant world. And all this not to mention the inconvenience for the residents of passage that think they can find here a little quiet world where we learn, grow, and even hope to accomplish his dreams. And believe me, complaints related to spam, advertising, we receive ... Package of 12 too.

And if our ideal is not correspond to yours, if you dream of a world without limits is little spammer, where there is pub on every premium, or you can screw the newbie pass without worry ... Feel free to go elsewhere or create your regions. Here we will not let our efforts be made for the exclusive benefit of your personal needs.

It's all a bit bohemian, utopian, idealist, who cares ... Is our home, we have rights and are used for what we feel is best, according to our own worldview.
If you do not share, we will not burn you on a cross, but if you do not follow the scene, or you bounce as unclean.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Over Mums Knee Every Week

Goo mouth!

This morning I tested google calendar. It looks to me quite the story.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How To Treat A Skin Burn From Waxing

Electrosphere enters open beta openbeta finally going to settle the last small problem before opening the large pipe version "release." More info ... by going to the bottom: D

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Abortion Clinic Boston Ma

Artist ... The social hell!

be an artist in taxes is really tranquil.
A form to fill, it takes 10 minutes. then it is entered in SIREN, SIRET was our number. And we can create our invoice ... Easy! And if you do not exceed € 27,000 in CA we do not have to bother with VAT ... Quiet!

The thing is that tax and social security are the two governments which ignore one or the other royally. But each wants its share.

"If any work merit pay, merit pay any dues."

Everyone wants her ... one or the other ... More than any other for that matter ... ESPECIALLY the other! The other ... the damned ... but yes ... it: URSSAFF!

hell and damnation.
While taxes apply a removal efficiency of 37%, because we do not declare their expenses in Proffessional dieting micro-BNC and we necessarily cost (they feel so at 37%) removal efficiency was this pretty . Moreover, no VAT is applied (but we do not recover either, necessarily). It's simple, effective ... I would even say Honet. And if there was a lot of free (over 37%) can go to the actual speed.

For social contribution, is another matter.
Already cool for us to come, they apply a charge of 15% on sales to calculate the contribution base. And it ... they are 15.4%!

I copy-paste:
Example: If you made 10,000 euros sales during 2006, contributions called in 2007 (before being corrected in 2008 based on the actual amount of your sales 2007) s’élèveront au total à : (10000x1,15)x15,4% soit 1771 euros et feront l’objet de 4 appels trimestriels de 443 euros (calcul réalisé : 1771/4).

Il faut noter cependant que si vos ventes sont inférieures à 7038 euros durant une année, c’est ce montant qui sera utilisé pour calculer vos cotisations. Aussi, les cotisations minimum d’un artiste s’élèvent à 1246 euros (7038€x1,15x15,4%). Attention donc au artistes débutants qui pourraient payer des cotisations supérieurs à leur chiffre d’affaires... Mais c’est le prix à payer pour bénéficier d’une couverture social, by the way, is a case (the minimum contributions of an artisan are indeed much higher)! But for budding artists, this minimum does not apply where this artistic activity is a secondary activity.

hard eh?!

When I close my eyes the image of a long-term unemployed person who has spent his time the school bully of the first class instead of study ... and looks at me with eyes bulging like a dog abandoned on a motorway ... and murmurs "cottise cottise for me ... for me" . I hesitate ... I open the window ...
I yell and accelerating "VA ASSHOLE DIE !!!!!!!"

And if you think I'm a bastard ... Having worked in the factory, I know these are the same people who are the first to spit on "these big pretended unemployed "once they have a job and find that half their pay in dues goes and stuff.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Cruising Vegas Gay Spa

Secondlife on Management Magazine

is the first time that I buy this magazine, but Y'avait really nothing interesting and I found a blanket with 2 mouth "winner" smile sponsored with writing on the side "Learn to cultivate your optimism."
(WEEE with the fucking poOOooooste hrrr ... ... ... hrrr ( see preceding article)).

Well, the article on optimism proves to be fairly bland And this resulted in: "we must be optimistic for positive". Applying their method to the magazine: "For a 4 page article in a magazine to 2.9 € (€ section of 0.22), it's still cheap paid the council, he is also fair game." By

cons (a positive side, wéééééééééé!), There is an article about Second Life, or more precisely of Accenture in Second Life.
400 HP introduced, RL 120 interviews.

It speaks in the same article on L'Oreal secondlife, Areva, Alstom, Capgemini and Unilog Logical CMG, qui ont fait un salon virtuel de 3 jours de recrutement dans SL. 1500 candidatures adressées, 700 entretiens SL. Cout de l'operation 20.000€ par entreprise participante, (soit 100.000€ en tout).

Cher ? Que-neni, une broutille, une paille.
L'Oreal indique "[dans la RL] recruter un debutant coute en moyenne 4000€. Recruter un profil experimenté coute environ 20000€. Si cela débouche sur 2 ou 3 embauches, cela sera deja rentabilisé" !

Et au president de TMPNEO de rajouter que cet interet pour secondlife ne peut etre entierement attribué a l'effet de mode.

Bref, que du bon ! Et l'achat de ce magazine a été rentabilisé grace a This article on Second Life. Phew! I can positivist)