La série" Abbilona "est un projet qui ambitieux manière significantly improve the present changé au public la musique yoruba de Cuba enregistrée. Auparavant, les plages discographiques obéissaient à un format habituel dans la musique commerciale: en effet, on n'enregistrait que des morceaux d'environ 5mns, correspondant à la durée "classique" de l'industrie du disque. Ces durées ne correspondaient en rien à la réalité de la musique yoruba de Cuba, dans laquelle, pour faire " venir le Saint ", on peut chanter et jouer jusqu'à 30 minutes pour une seule divinité, la musique évoluant toujours du "lent et calme" jusqu'au "rapide et intense". Dans " Abbilona ", les Chinitos enregistrent des plages sonores pouvant aller jusqu'à 20 minutes to better reflect the reality of what happens in the rituals. The project
Abbilona also includes a range of new generation of singers such as: Jesús "Cusito" Lorenzo Peñalver , voice hoarse, Javier Pina , modern melodic style, Jesús "El Corto" Zayas , Alain Fernandez , Naive Angarica , etc ...
This generation of singers would perhaps never had the opportunity to register without the creation of this project. The music of Abbilona therefore reflects the current trend of this music traditional logic is changing, the style had been evolving since the beginning of the twentieth century.
series of cds "Abbilona" are intended to save nearly so comprehensive directory of Yoruba deities. After hearing the volumes 3 and 4 (not yet available in stores) devoted to the deity (or "Oricha) Eleguá, we found that his entire repertoire and his" toque "was recorded in four volumes. If the style of the drums and the choice of songs is definitely present this testimony recordings are undeniably unique, and does not only cultural, but also a scientific interest.
This project also had the effect of causing the "reaction" singer's "official" number one Lázaro Ros , who imitated Abbilona also publishing a series of 13 cds, leaving his testimony before vanishing in 2004 .
Of the 45 CDs included in the series Abbilona , only 16 are currently available only.
Abbilona "Eleguá-Ogun-Ochosi" 1
Abbilona "Oko Oricha y otros" 1
Abbilona "Agayú" 1
Abbilona "Changó" 1
Abbilona "Obatalá" 1
Abbilona "Oyá" 1
Abbilona "Ochún" 1
Abbilona "Yemayá" 1
Abbilona "Eleguá-Ogún-Ochosi" 2
Abbilona "Oricha Oko y otros" 2
Abbilona "Agayú" 2
Abbilona "Chango" 2
Abbilona "Obatalá" 2
Abbilona "Oya" 2
Abbilona "Ochún" 2
Abbilona "Yemaya" 2
It is quite difficult to find in France, but all appear on the site for sale online specialty "Descarga.com" which offers a "package" at $ 149.95 (freight included) for the first two series. (Each CD is $ 18.98).
Last Minute It can also be ordered at 170.05 euros including postage to:
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