KAJ - Anglicka Základní fráze
Basic Phrases Greetings: Hi
. Hello (Hi is colloquially).
Good morning (afternoon). Good morning.
Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Good evening. Good Evening.
Hi. Cheerio.
Bye. Bye.
Goodbye. Good bye.
See you later. See you later.
Goodnight. Good night.
courtesy phrases:
Thanks a lot. Thanks very much. Thank
vám mnohokrát. Thank you very much.
Není zač. You're welcome.
Nestojí to za řeč. Don't mention it.
Není zač. Not at all.
Promiňte... Excuse me... když chci upoutat něčí pozornost
Omlouvám se, je mi to líto. I'm sorry.
To nic. No problem.
To je v pořádku. It's OK.
Netrapte se tím. Don't worry about it.
Nemluvím anglicky. I don't speak English.
Nemluvím mnoho anglicky. I don't speak much English. I can
very little English. I only speak very little Česky
I speak a little English. I speak a little Česky ..
Please speak more slowly. Please speak more slowly.
Could you please repeat that? Could you please repeat that?
understand. I understand.
do not understand. I do not understand.
How are you? How are you?
What's this? What is is?
Who is it? Who is it?
How old are you? How old are you?
What time is it? What Time Is It?
Where are you from? Where are you from?
Where do you live? Where do you live? Where
pracuješ? What is your job?
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