trawl Tizaut ' !
Ch'suis bin proud turns el ed ed succeche "Welcome to the Sticks"! For
in 'yer that fos el autremint north than in el el drache misery makes each bin.
So R'monte eut'marone and delighted min el ouvrache made on site
Yes, well, I stop, otherwise it will be hard to understand ... I'm from
North, I understand the Chtis, but I do not know to write.
The photomosaic was made with the following characteristics:
- film poster in the main picture Ch'suis bin proud turns el ed ed succeche "Welcome to the Sticks"! For
in 'yer that fos el autremint north than in el el drache misery makes each bin.
So R'monte eut'marone and delighted min el ouvrache made on site
Yes, well, I stop, otherwise it will be hard to understand ... I'm from
North, I understand the Chtis, but I do not know to write.
The photomosaic was made with the following characteristics:
- 82 small images from the trailer and photos found on the web
- Compression and transmission of these photographs with the tool on my photo-album-
- A resolution of 5400 images
- Fading light with the main image
- And with the optional main image only once inlaid mosaic (to you to find ... )
Here photomosaic reduced in size:

full size version is available and downloadable HERE (Picture almost 5MB)
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