interest laws ... Ban SL ... or absence of laws in SL.
The financial world of Second Life is in the spotlight and people criticize the lack of regulation financial sector of SL. It is true that SL has quasiement no law, and the few laws that are passed scream.
The ban ageplay is still disputed, rightly in my opinion.
And recently banned from casinos in SL is much attention (see eg JOL).
Also, the means to fight against "criminals" and the tools of repression are absolutely ridiculous. Remedies against any deficiency will be reduced to their simplest and often the game is not worth the candle. (RL complain for scam 700L $ or 2 Euro? Pff ... a little serious)
Investors "traditional" are cautious about the lack of laws and of regulation. The guarantees are minimal or nil.
Lots of evidence to suggest that a government would be desirable, and that laws are necessary. And yet ... have we really need? No, definitely not.
Let those who want their 3% interest guaranteed to remain in RL, there is already everything you need for that. I'm surprised they even bother to give their opinion. If one day we need you you will sign, but I'm sure we're not near you to sign. You just have to wait at the gates o your RL / SL as the others and look through the SL blogs, you'll get your money. The second life is a game, a game at risk. The residents today are not ready to sacrifice their freedom for safety. Innovation is doing very well, despite the lack of collateral and your money.
Idiots fooled and want laws to satisfy their need for immediate comfort. It's the same in RL, except that these laws do exist and that it does not pleind much as in SL. In RL, the immediate comfort is more important, and then there was only the first life we desire a maximum guarantee of well being. SL is different. Already the second life is not as vital as the first, we can afford to risk our second life, then it is necessarily more delicate to risk RL ... seen that in only one:)
SL is also a world young and evolving more rapidly than the RL. Within a year you can see and create civilizations disappear. Have 4 years in SL is, literally, be as old as time. 4 years is not even a blink of an eye has the scale of humanity RL. All that to say we do not have the same considerations and notions of 'comfort immediate "and" security. " We saw the birth of SL and is probably older Vera's death. Most of us will not even have retirement that SL will be considered as something has-been that the Minitel is the day today.
can se permettre de reflechir a ce qui est bon pour SL a une echelle de temps qui va de la naissance jusqu'a la mort de cet univers. (mort au sens de "totalement negligeable", comme l'est aujourd'hui le minitel, les BBS, active world, ...).
Soyons fou : A l'echelle de temps de SecondLife nous somme quasiement immortel.
Dans ce cas la, la notion de confort immediat et de securité face a la liberte a t'elle encore un sens ? J'en doute, mes amis, j'en doute fort.
Et des lois dans SL ne feront que restreindre notre liberté, pour gagner une securité bien dérisoire.