Monday, July 30, 2007

What To Write Inside A Friends Wedding Card


Ce n'est pas une nouvelle neuve que je poste ici, tout le monde sait maintenant que online casinos are prohibited.
is just my humble opinion that I post here.
ban online gambling, we knew it we hung in his face.

There is a certain hypocrisy or naivety on the part of some casino owners in the reactions which can be found here and there. It was beautiful to look pirouettes Legal information legitimize a casino in SL, it's still pretty shaky pirouettes. For example the fact that we do not play real money ... True, we play L $ intreseque that have no value. But in a casino either RL or do not play real money (at least not always) we play plastic tokens that have no value, it remains nevertheless a casino.

The French law is violent enough to this level, besides she gets knuckles rapped by Europe. In France, all gambling is forbidden by default, and games are permitted exceptions. La Francaise des Jeux and PMU, are state monopolies. The state changes the laws at the whim of the Francaise des Jeux whenever this is necessary for the proper functioning of this monopoly. This is clearly abusive and it is identified as such by Europe. The France didn't no choice but to bow to the rest of europe, namely a relaxation of laws on gambling. And I'm not going to complain.

But in brief, return to SL.
We knew it would happen. We do was not certain of course, but the chances of that happening were really important. That said, it's worth the effort. A good casino in SL is a factory dough, even if this should last a few months, it's worth. And large casinos will not all be wrong.

This gene is a bit of violance and the brevity of the announcement. The expectation is rather an in-between. For example, allow casinos licensed in RL. Besides, it is not impossible to happen one day. After all there are online casinos on the web and they are all there is more legal. The ban sports games surprises me too. And I think we'll see appear the "bookers" street, quite illegal, as in RL, but I do not know what to prevent.
In my humble opinion, it is quite possible that LL reauthorize one day in one form or another gambling in SL. There are several possibilities: Allow licensed casinos, allow casinos on servers that are not hosted by LL (which is not possible for now, but will happen one day).

is the end of an era in SL, cert. But in SL we change times every month. The death of SL was predicted a fairly impressive times, and yet SL is still there and is doing quite well (even better than "old age"). It was

better before ... before many things ... but "it was always better before" and it does not stop either.

ban casinos in SL has absolutely no impact on my SL activities. I find it embarrassing that the RL and its laws are harsh tappent the embedding of more and more in our SL favorites. And in my opinion this is just the beginning. One day the government will stick their nose in there, so that SL is not in their country, in fact SL is in any country. But it will, and we ralera. It ralera by saying that the state has overstepped his rights very much, but we can not cope with the powerful government which has made swallow a majority (we are in democracy) that "it is for our good. "I know what I mean, I do the same on my regions:)

PS: That said, I do not swallow my regions are in a democracy. Despite my anarchist tendencies, that is a good old monarchy.